Retrofitting and Overhauling


If your bending machine, shearing machine or punching machine is out-of-date, we can renovate it both electrically and mechanically, and can fit it with all the safety systems requested by the standards in force.


Our twenty years of experience in the field of sheet metal working machines enables us to overhaul your machine in the best manner possible to resume its reliability and make it basically identical to a new machine.


We can perform customised retrofitting, for instance total replacement of the CNC with more updated models with a better performance; we also offer total retrofitting, for instance replacement of all switchboard cabling and of drivers and motors.

We offer complete retrofitting for hydraulic power units and use components of leading suppliers from all over the world.


It is all at your finger tips

Thanks to our well-stocked spare parts warehouse, we can quickly retrieve the component and accessory to complete your machine reconditioning.

Apart from selling spare parts, we offer blade sharpening for punches and dies of bending machines, shearing machines and punching machines. We can therefore supply a 360° overhauling and reconditioning service for your machines.

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